Louisa’s Walk has been running for five and a half years. During that time Chris and I have been the sole performers. Having created this “baby” it’s been hard to acknowledge that perhaps other actors could portray Louisa’s story just as well. Sometimes we are forced into change by circumstances! During those five and a half years we have rarely been off sick and have hardly ever had to cancel because of ill health. However, over the New Year I got hit by a virus and Chris had an injury to his foot that necessitated no walking for a couple of weeks! Fortunately, we had started looking around for understudies and we were lucky to strike gold in Colin Dean. Colin is a multi-talented performer who has recently appeared in “Billy Elliot” and “Jekyll and Hyde” and is between engagements just now whilst waiting for rehearsals to start for his next mainland show.
When news of Chris’s foot injury hit, Colin had just five days to learn the huge part. His premier performance was just two week’s ago and did he do a good job! Now, two weeks into the role he is really rocking and he and Chris are interchangeable. Chris should be back on the job any day but now we have Colin to take over his role with expertise and flair whenever Chris needs a break. Louisa’s Walk is getting busier and busier and record numbers have shared her story during January. Being able to hand over the multi-roles that Chris normally handles, to Colin is just wonderful and to know that they are being performed with such expertise and passion. Now, all we need is an understudy for Louisa – any offers?