Last Sunday we had a really great day when we held a fund raiser for Christina Henri’s Roses From the Heart Project. Some months ago we volunteered to hold a Her Story to help send Christina to Dublin in November to be presented with 400 convict bonnets which have been made by Irish women prisoners.
What a lovely image and connection with those convict women from our past whose endurance we celebrate every day on Her Story and Louisa’s Walk at the Female Factory. A scrumptious Afternoon Tea was donated by the Female Factory volunteers also – thanks from all of us for this.
We had a full house of 56 paid guests. Afterwards, I sang the song I have composed called Mary’s Dream and Jacqui Hansson sang the song, Louisa, that Katie Noonan composed for us after attending Louisa’s Walk earlier on this year (thanks for giving us the permission to reproduce this lovely song, Katie).
Now, we wish Christina God Speed as she continues to raise funds to make her trip to Ireland later on this year.