I was doing some admin. on the computer a few weeks ago listening to R.N’s Music Show in the background, when I heard Katie Noonan’s distinctive voice. Katie visited Louisa’s Walk a couple of years ago when she was researching songs for her Love Song Circus. She was so moved by our story that she immediately drove up to Mount Wellington and wrote the song Louisa which appears on her Fierce Hearts CD and is part of Love Song Circus
We have since met her at the Festival of Voices in Hobart last year.
According to the radio program she was performing her Love Song Circus at the Spiegel Tent in Melbourne that weekend. Ever one to seize an opportunity, I sent Katie an email asking for details and within minutes received an invitation to see her at the Speigel Tent the following day. I booked flights and a hotel for us and the next day saw us flying off to Melbourne having finished Her Story. Fortunately, not having any advance bookings for Louisa’s Walk that day, we were free to go.
I had not visited the Spiegel Tent before and loved this quirky and intimate performing space. Katie’s performance knocked us both out. Katie performs Love Song Circus with a six piece string ensemble plus the most amazing three girl troupe of acrobats. The combination of Katie’s voice, the music and the graceful movements of the acrobats was moving beyond words.
After the show Katie invited us back stage to meet the musicians and the acrobats.
If you get a chance to see Love Song Circus anywhere, anytime – don’t miss it.