I suppose we shouldn’t have been surprised but we suffered quite a bit of grief after Louisa closed last month! The loss of our creation, our baby that had become our life for the last ten years………………….
Time is the great healer, so they say and it is true that the sadness is passing and we have wonderful new plays to engage us and keep our acting skills honed.
Now we have more time to do some other things like attend the Tourism Conference earlier this month where we had been invited to speak on the theme of “If I could say one thing about loving your customer…”
Chris, that Master of Words was quoted in a recent Tourism Newsletter:
Five fantastic representatives of the Tasmanian tourism industry who all shared the 1 big thing on customer service, best summed up by Live History’s Chris Cornish who summed up the entire conference with ‘Love yourself, love what you do, and then, you’ll love your customer.’
We love the audiences who come to see our Strolling Plays because we do love ourselves and we do love what we do.