Louisa’s Nature Walk!

You don’t need me to tell you that Spring is just around the corner! In the beautiful Cascade Gardens, through which we pass as Louisa’s story unfolds, there are blossoms, bulbs, rhododendrons and a multitude of birds all glad to be alive at the birth of this lovely season. As anyone, who knows me well, will be able to tell you, my very favourite birds of all, are the delightful blue wrens; their twitterings can be heard all through the Gardens. As we make our way to the “top deck” (the Rajah transportation ship; Louisa’s Walk is nothing but imaginative) the birds can usually be seen. I can never decide whether I prefer the plain, brown jennies or the brilliant blue of the males? Presents for me are easy, just theme them with a blue wren and it will be sure of a rapturous welcome (thanks Sam and Bianca for the lovely “blue wren” mirror and Sophia for the cup!).

Winter has been good to us here in Tassie – It’s been very mild but also, very dry. We have had some rains in the last week or two but we still need more follow ups. From our p.o.v. that’s good, as people tend not to book Louisa’s Walk in the pouring rain! However, our numbers have been very strong and certainly being the number one activity in Hobart on the TripAdvisor web site brings us lots of visitors!

Recent rains have filled the Hobart Rivulet to overflowing and, on our return journey back to the top of the Cascades, we always stop on the bridge at the flood mitigation device (to use the correct terminology) it’s to stop branches and other debris coming down off the mountain and causing a dam and, therefore, a flood, as in the olden days. A few days ago we had the thrill of seeing a platypus swimming in the pool! At first, I wasn’t sure what I was seeing but Chris assured us that it was a platypus. Cameras were quickly produced and our audience members got a nature walk as well as a historical walk to finish off Louisa’s story!

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