Marketing Hobart’s History.

Much has been written in the media recently, about the fall of tourist numbers in Tasmania. Here at Louisa’s Walk we have experienced the opposite , we are getting busier and busier! There has also been much discussion from small tourism operators, about the emphasis on the big, glitzy tourism attractions. The detractors of Tourism Tasmania are saying that it is only the big end of town that get any coverage at all. Whilst I can’t disagree with this entirely, we must remember that the media has its own agenda and what we see in print is not necessarily, the way things are; it’s their spin!

I hope it’s apparent, to those of you who have experienced Louisa’s Walk, that we are passionate about our lovely island and Tasmanian history! When we see Tasmania trying to emulate the mainland or big city life it saddens us. Surely, what we have to offer here is the antithesis of big city life. So many of Louisa’s Walk audience members tell us that they have fallen in love with our life style, with our quaint buildings with our history. Why oh why would we ever allow ugly, urban and suburban development to match the mainland? Why do we allow our beautiful heritage buildings to be swallowed up by “progress”? Why must “modern” mean ugly?

So many questions, so few answers! Martin Luther King said he had a dream. I too have a dream, of an island so proud of its heritage, its convict history its beauty and its uniqueness that it shuns the big end of town. A place that showcases its food, wines, history, beauty, craftsmen, artists and sustainable way of life that it can thumb its nose at the multi – national food outlets and cheap chains. I am told there is a small town, on the east coast of England, that has not allowed these money-hungry, faceless businesses to take over their High Street; the small business and individual shops thrive and survive! Oh, that Tasmania could have similar courage!

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