(posted by Judith). We are often asked at Louisa’s Walk “What happens if it rains?”. Well, Hobart is the second driest capital city in Australia so, it’s not too much of a problem BUT…….Last Saturday we set off on the afternoon show with grey skies promising at least a shower. Louisa duly handed out the large umbrellas stored, for just such an eventuality, in the boot of our “horseless carriage” and off we went. We got through most of the performance only slightly damp until it was time for the “time warp” back into the 21st century when the heavens opened. Chris in one of his many alter egos gathered everyone together and we herded the group back up to the top of the Cascades. Most of the story had been told in any case. Two teenagers who had refused umbrellas were more than a little damp with black make up running – we all had a good laugh (including them)! In this soggy, but merry, mood we continued back up through the beautiful Cascade Gardens. Now, just in case any of us were tempted to feel just a little sorry for ourselves (Louisa and William who, as the actors, can’t use umbrellas?) there we were met with a sorry sight: a wedding party! The picturesque gardens are a popular venue for weddings and, on a sunny Tasmanian day I can think of nowhere lovelier but ……….The guests were huddled without umbrellas, men with white shirts sticking to their chests, women in skimpy dresses, high heels sinking into the sodden grass. On the way back down the Cascade road we passed the bridal party in their beribboned car. What is it they say about there always being somebody worse off than you? Let’s hope the reception went off really well and that it was somewhere warm and dry!
Please Don’t Rain on My Parade.
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