Told you I love alliteration and this one (Spring and Spreyton School) was a gift!) I am originally English, though I have lived in lovely Tasmania for far longer than I ever lived in that northern land. Even so there are some associations that still live for me and April Showers are one. Our antipodean October is very similar to the English April in weather patterns – umm – showery! Over the last few days we have had some challenging days weather-wise with frequent showers and, certainly yesterday, some cold temperatures; we woke to snow down to the 500 metre level on Mount Wellington. It means providing umbrellas for our audience members and this can be frustrating, necessitating putting them up and then down as the showers stop and start. But no-one ever suggested that Strolling Theatre is without its challenges!
Today we took Spreyton Primary School on the primary school version of Louisa’s Walk and they were a lovely audience; attentive and with some insightful questions afterwards. See the photos of the students as they question Chris once we have come out of character and our Show is over.
I also took a couple of photographs of the Iris flowers just starting to come out at the bottom of the Cascade Gardens. The gardens are lovely at any time of the year but Spring is surely their time to show off their best glory. The rhododendrons and blossoms are really beautiful and set against the backdrop of the mountain and the iconic Cascade Brewery there can be no more beautiful scene. A great photo opportunity as Louisa’s Walk returns on our homeward journey!